Home Owner Resources

Plum Creek North is home to 158 residences. We’re a proud neighborhood and want to help our homeowners however we can. Below are some helpful resources for our residents.

Neighborhood Updates

PCN Neighborhood Updates will be posted here as they become available!

Covenants & By-Laws

Plum Creek North residents, home owners and HOA Board members are all expected to abide by two important documents.


In the covenants you will find most answers to your questions about the rules & guidelines for your land, home & neighborhood. These were set forth by the development company of our neighborhood and in accordance with city ordinances.

PCN Covenants


In the by-laws you will find the rules & guidelines your HOA (Home Owner Association) & its board serve under. These were set forth by the development company of our neighborhood and in accordance with city ordinances.


HOA Board Members

Your PCN HOA board is comprised of elected volunteers among current neighborhood residents. Board members are elected to 3 year terms during each annual meeting. These annual meetings typically take place in December. If you’d like to be considered for a future board member position, please contact us.

President: Mark Willman | Breakers Way

Vice President / Secretary: Bob Finkbeiner | Breakers Way

Treasurer: Shannon Switzer | Penneagle Dr.

Board Member: Anthony Pepple | Ivy Hill Dr.

Board Member: Indira Hsu | Penneagle Dr.

Email the HOA Board

Property Management

Our neighborhood’s day-to-day property management is handled by Kirkpatrick Management. Our neighborhood has the support of their full company resources. In order to manage our needs, they have assigned the following property manager to our neighborhood.

PCN Property Manager

Brad Boellner
Direct: 317-588-5343 | Office: 317-570-4358
Email Property Manager